Fallout shelter wiki ghoul
Fallout shelter wiki ghoul

Now, they can be found in small amounts throughout this region, most of which are in Gecko, a town established near an old, half-functional Poseidon Energy nuclear power plant. Radiation from nuclear detonations and the subsequent fallout contaminated the Vault, resulting in the death or mutation of every occupant. As part of the vast Vault Experiment Program, the Vault 12 door was designed to be dysfunctional. Most known ghouls in New California were created from Vault-dwellers living in Vault 12 under Bakersfield, known as Necropolis after the Great War, located in southern California. Exposure to background radiation levels typically results in sickness, shortly followed by death for a human being. Camp Searchlight would also show that quick, perhaps even instantaneous transformations are not unheard of or out of the question.

fallout shelter wiki ghoul

Consistent exposure to concentrated levels of background radiation for an extended period of time will randomly result in humans undergoing a mutation/transformation into the ghoul species.

Fallout shelter wiki ghoul